Coaching | Collaboration | Connections

2020 is NOT what we “goaled” for.

in Cathy's Blog

Mother Nature has definitely hit the reset button and our lives and businesses have defaulted back to factory settings.

I’m sure you’re with me when I say that I never would have expected anything like this in my lifetime. This worldwide pandemic has affected us in ways none of us could ever imagine. I mean, who would have thought we would be entering banks with a mask on?

Just some of the changes we have had to make:

– physical (not social) distancing
– personal protection gear like masks and gloves
– talking to our family members via video when they live just just down the block.
– becoming experts at making sourdough bread.

Many businesses are struggling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, 96 percent of small business owners say their businesses have been severely impacted.

However, that doesn’t mean that this is the end.

It’s the start of redirection, adaptation and creativity. It’s made us consider other aspects of our lives and business that we may not have made time for and to evaluate just exactly why we are doing the things we do.

So how have we been adapting?

Home schooling for some. (how’s that going for you?)
I’ve seen videos online of parents conducting home improvements to demonstrate cosines and angles; cooking and baking to educate the difference of volume and weight and having their kids compose a podcast for creative writing. Do you think they may have been the over achievers in school?

Online ordering
For many of us, online ordering has been a part of our lives for a number of years, but with store closures, that has ramped up and items that we would have bought at a bricks and mortar store, we now order online.

Technology to communicate
We use technology already to communicate by email, text, facetime or googlechat and of course conference calls but this is on a much bigger scale. So adapting to the new normal has some of us “old dogs” having to learn new tricks!

Revisit Goals

As we continue to come to grips with COVID-19 disruption, let’s rethink our goals – continuously. I know the goals and milestones I set at the beginning of this year (and some of the revised goals!) have totally gone out the window!

Some goals may have to be put on pause because they aren’t realistically attainable during this uncertain time and new ones created to take their place. By re-evaluating, adjusting and adapting  our goals to reflect the changing market and social patterns, we can work towards keeping our business afloat now so we can be in a position to thrive long after the pandemic passes.

You and I are not the only business owners that were in the process of achieving BHAGs – Big Hairy Audacious Goals for 2020. We’re all going through this as a community.

It’s  times like these that are extremely challenging.

If you’re doing it and making it work – stand in your power, take up the leadership role and step up to help others.

If you’re not – reserve the right to ask for help, to learn. We’re here to help.

Now Go Get  Connected!

2015-07-10 18.10.22An award-winning Leader, Entrepreneur and Business Development Consultant, Cathy shows entrepreneurs how to let go of limiting beliefs and “Stand Up, Stand Out & Step Forward” to have the business success they dream of. Cathy is recognized across Canada for her expertise on “All Things Small Biz”. Named one of the Top Ten Mentors in Canada, Women of Worth Leader of the Year, the Founder of The Connected Woman Association, Author of “Are You a Collector or a Connector?”; “I’m on the Phone!”; the internationally known “Daily Espressos- Your Read it and Delete it Kickstart to Your Day” and is a networking maven. (wow!)

Work with me. 
Everyone is different and so is their business. We can put together a plan with action items to help you Stand UP, Stand OUT and Step FORWARD. Shoot me a msg or give me a call. I’m listening.