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A Year in Review – Yours.

in Cathy's Blog

Most entrepreneurs don’t review their past work. And frankly, they’re leaving money on the table. There’s a simple process every small business should follow to review the past year and plan the next. There’s so much to be gleaned from this process.

While most of us would like to forget this past year, you can learn a great deal by looking at what transpired over the last 12 months. The work you’ve done, the people you’ve served, the money you’ve made.

Here are 10 questions you can ask yourself to help with the process:

1. What have I accomplished this year? Write it all down. No accomplishment is too small. If you’re a consultant, it’s every deliverable you delivered to a client. If you’re a web designer, it’s every website you designed – client or personal project. Your accomplishments aren’t just business related either – it could include learning how to make sourdough bread! Now read the list at least twice. Savour each achievement. Pour that glass of wine and toast what you’ve accomplished. Do a happy dance. It’s to be celebrated!

2. “Who helped/contributed to my successes?” It takes a village. No one is an island. I could give you a plethora of platitudes but the fact is, you had help. Who in your personal life? Your professional world? Now here’s another even more important question, “How can you celebrate them? Show them that you appreciate them?”

3. “What got in my way?” As much as it was front and center, the pandemic is not something you have control over. Chances are it was personal – fear, self-doubt, depression – acknowledging this is half the battle.

4. “What mistakes did I make?” What did I learn from them? This list is almost as important as your accomplishments. By writing these down, you’ll create a reminder of what not to do moving forward.

5. “Was my work consistent with my values?” Do you know your core values? Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These guiding principles dictate behaviour and help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals by creating an unwavering guide. If you’re not sure, start by making a list. What will you do with any inconsistencies you identify?

6. “Where did I avoid my responsibilities?” With everything happening (or not) this past year, it’s easy to pass it off onto the pandemic. Sure it was tough, but how we ‘show up’ when it’s tough speaks volumes.

7. “What have I learned this year?” No really, what did you learn? (yes, making sourdough counts.) New business skills? A new language? Computer skills? Think both personal and professional.

8. “How did my work perform this year?” This is not an answer based on opinion. Take a look at social media engagement; repeat business; service inquiries. This will give you insight on what to keep, what to stop and where to start.

9. “What do I need to let go of?” Sometimes this question is posed thusly, “Will the world come to an end if the newsletter doesn’t go out this week?” We have preconceived notions of what ‘success’ looks like. Sometimes the question is “WHO do I need to let go of?” Hmmmm….

10. “What do I need to keep?” What worked really well for you – that’s what you want to keep. Maybe that mid month afternoon at the spa provided a much needed refresh for you to bring your a-game. Or the customer service program you initiated has shown great ROI – keep it.

These are just some of the questions you can ask yourself to plan for the coming year. In fact, you can use these questions at any time of the year.

If you need help, I”m just a message away.

Now Go Get  Connected!

An award-winning Leader, Entrepreneur and Business Development Consultant, Cathy shows entrepreneurs how to let go of limiting beliefs and “Stand Up, Stand Out & Step Forward” to have the business success they dream of. Cathy is recognized across Canada for her expertise on “All Things Small Biz”. Named one of the Top Ten Mentors in Canada, Women of Worth Leader of the Year, the Founder of The Connected Woman Association, Author of “Are You a Collector or a Connector?”; “I’m on the Phone!”; the internationally known “Daily Espressos- Your Read it and Delete it Kickstart to Your Day” and is a networking maven. (wow!)

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Everyone is different and so is their business. We can put together a plan with action items to help you Stand UP, Stand OUT and Step FORWARD. Shoot me a msg or give me a call. I’m listening.