Coaching | Collaboration | Connections

Forget about January, September is the start of the New Year!

in Cathy's Blog

Sure, January 1st may mark the beginning of the calendar new year, but for most of us, it’s more about the excitement of the parties and the continuation of the holiday season than an actual new beginning. If you think about it, there’s really not much “new” about that time of year. It’s the ‘middle’ of winter; it’s the ‘middle’ of the school year, we’re still managing the same routines and honestly, it just doesn’t feel like the beginning of anything.

Now September 1st – that’s when the new year actually feels like it’s starting for me. The leaves are changing, school is starting, families put routines back in place after the summer… September marks a time of change in how we live, what we do and what goals we set making it a logical point to take stock of where we’ve been and where we’re heading. Personally, I’m heading to the nearest stationery store because it’s all about the new pencils, journals… I loved going back to school just because I got all new supplies!

Historically, autumn has also been a time of hard work and preparation for the winter months ahead and there may well be a link between this and our ability to focus and tackle new challenges.

6 Ways to Kick Start Your September

1) Write your “resolutions” down.
Professional goals, personal goals, financial goals – write it down, all of it. Make a list of anything you’d like to achieve before the end of the year, and think about how you can do something every day to move towards that goal. Putting things on paper helps you identify and focus on your priorities and gives you something tangible to review.

2) Declutter
Channel your inner Marie Kondo. Facebook, local thrift stores, eBay, garage sales, friends… there are so many ways to get rid of things. Start with your closet. Having a streamlined wardrobe can make getting ready for work easier and quicker, giving you more time in the mornings and a less stressful start to your day.

3) Find a Business Buddy
Rather than meeting a friend for a drink or dinner and rehash your day, schedule a Walk & Talk© with a colleague. It’ll make fitting exercise into your schedule so much easier, and definitely better for you. Bonus? Your networking quotient will increase dramatically.

4) Check your finances
With monthly subscriptions, Apple Pay and cardless payment apps, it can be easy to lose track of what we’re actually spending. Sit down with your bank statement and see where you might be able cut back on unnecessary expenditures (coffees, Uber, Netflix?).

5) Adopt an 80/20 approach to being healthy
Choose healthy options at least 80% of the time, and then the other 20% of the time, take the pressure off yourself. The approach allows for occasional indulgence and will keep you happier and motivated to stay on track for longer.

6) Plan to join The Connected Woman Association. Smart business professionals understand the importance of connecting and keeping those connections current.

Happy New Year! Let’s make this happen!

Now Go Get  Connected!

FaceAbout Cathy Kuzel
An award-winning Leader, Entrepreneur and Business Development Consultant, Cathy teaches entrepreneurs how to let go of limiting beliefs and “Stand Up & Stand Out” to have the business success they dream of. Cathy is recognized across Canada for her expertise on “All Things Small Biz”. Named one of the Top Ten Mentors in Canada, Women of Worth Leader of the Year, the Founder of The Connected Woman Association, Author of “Are You a Collector or a Connector?”; “I’m on the Phone!”; the internationally known “Daily Espressos- Your Read it and Delete it Kickstart to Your Day” and is a networking maven. (whew!)