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Is Your Cape Starting to Fray Around the Edges?

in Cathy's Blog

Why do we feel the need to be SuperWoman?

As women, we are supposed to do it all – or so we think. Being successful means maintaining the demands of multiple roles: businesswoman, employee, breadwinner, daughter, sister, partner, homemaker, mother, chore and homework supervisor, family taxi driver, meal planner, or some combination of any of these and probably more. We are expected to be superwoman, but it comes at a cost.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about living life to its fullest, wanting to be the best and accepting challenges that come my way but it’s a balancing act wearing multiple hats while trying to keep your cape straight. Right?

Then comes the stress about not being your best or finishing a project on time. The guilt about whether you’re not spending enough time with your kids/partner (insert who or what here!) Feeling bad about not being able to manage super-human expectations only diminishes your energy to get things done.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get it all done, but it’s how we care for ourselves in the process to make sure that physically and mentally we can get it all done.

Here’s a couple of insights to help you.

  1. Make your To-Do list and stick to it. Focus on one thing at a time and give yourself a guilt-free pass on the others. By prioritizing the “job” that needs you most at any given time and letting yourself off the hook on the others, you bring your full capabilities to that task.
  2. Accept that there’s 24 hours in each day and you can only do a day’s work. Adopt an “Attitude of Gratitude” for what you achieve when you achieve it no matter what size.
  3. Remember to ‘put mask on self first’. Airlines tell you in case of an emergency, you need to put the oxygen mask on yourself first before assisting others. There’s a good reason for it. You can help more people once you’ve looked after yourself.  So remember to treat yourself once and awhile; look after your well-being and take a breather when you need it. It’s not being selfish – it’s self preservation.

Try these tips the next time you’re overwhelmed by the need to “do it all!”

Now Go Get  Connected!

2015-07-10 18.10.22An award-winning Leader, Entrepreneur and Business Development Consultant, Cathy teaches entrepreneurs how to let go of limiting beliefs and “Stand Up, Stand Out & Step Forward” to have the business success they dream of. Cathy is recognized across Canada for her expertise on “All Things Small Biz”. Named one of the Top Ten Mentors in Canada, Women of Worth Leader of the Year, the Founder of The Connected Woman Association, Author of “Are You a Collector or a Connector?”; “I’m on the Phone!”; the internationally known “Daily Espressos- Your Read it and Delete it Kickstart to Your Day” and is a networking maven. (whew!)