Coaching | Collaboration | Connections

They’re looking for YOU.

in Cathy's Blog

They’re looking for you.

Yes they are. Clients who need help and are searching for a talented, knowledgeable and amazing expert. They’ve hit a brick wall. They don’t know how to pivot. They need YOU!

And what’s that I hear? You need them? No sh*t Sherlock! The economy has tanked, everything’s up in the air and quite frankly, unless you get the lead out, you’re going to be working twice as hard to get up to speed. You need to dust off your talents and skills, fill your calendar and put a plan in motion.

But what can you do?

Here’s 3 things you can do right now…

Pause & Breathe.
“But I thought you just said to get the lead out?” Yup, I did, but before you start your engine, have a look around. Almost everyone is finding customers scarce and revenue scarcer. It’s a natural response to experience anxiety and worry. Breathe. Take time to look at what’s happening around you. Use this ‘pause’ to look at how you can be relevant in the current market. Where are your clients now and are you where they are?

Ask for help.
It’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help. Some of the smartest, successful people I know have surrounded themselves with other incredible people and together they’ve moved mountains. Sometimes it’s having someone to listen to you or to acknowledge you. Running a business is not a walk in the park. It can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. I hear many times from members of  The Connected Woman Association how knowing that there is someone on the other end of a phone call, email or text that has your back made all the difference in the world. Speak up! Reach out! You’ve always got me in your corner and I know you can find friends, colleagues and others to be there for you too.

Trust in yourself.
If you don’t trust you, who will? It’s a well-known fact that if anyone wants to succeed in life, (and business) they gotta believe in themselves. You can easily lose faith in yourself when encountering setbacks, failure and fear. When you lack confidence in yourself, you broadcast that and others pick up on it. Think about all the times that you totally rocked it! You can do that again. Oh yes you can.

If you need that extra ‘something’ or someone to help you kickstart your comeback, here are 2 ways I can personally support you:

The Connected Woman Membership
For a super-low monthly fee, you have access to resources, ebooks, podcasts and a private facebook group where there are other like-minded women – a place where you can be truly seen and heard.

Work with me.
Everyone is different and so is their business. We can put together a plan with action items to help you Stand UP, Stand OUT and Step FORWARD. Shoot me a msg or give me a call. I’m listening.

Now Go Get  Connected!

2015-07-10 18.10.22An award-winning Leader, Entrepreneur and Business Development Consultant, Cathy teaches entrepreneurs how to let go of limiting beliefs and “Stand Up, Stand Out & Step Forward” to have the business success they dream of. Cathy is recognized across Canada for her expertise on “All Things Small Biz”. Named one of the Top Ten Mentors in Canada, Women of Worth Leader of the Year, the Founder of The Connected Woman Association, Author of “Are You a Collector or a Connector?”; “I’m on the Phone!”; the internationally known “Daily Espressos- Your Read it and Delete it Kickstart to Your Day” and is a networking maven. (wow!)