Alice Doesn’t Work There Anymore.
Do you have a loyalty to any particular company or store? I bet you do.
Chances are it’s because a person, yes, a living person, took the time to help you, advise you or thank you. (and you loved it!)
Case in point: I’ve been going to a certain printer for all my printing needs because Alice worked there. Alice knew me by name and always had time for a bit of conversation. Alice asked the questions that would ensure that my job was done correctly the first time AND if I had a rush job, she always found some way to get it done for me.
Yes, there is a store of the same company that is closer to me. Yes, there are other local printers I know through other organizations. However, Alice was the only one who made me feel special, like my business meant something to her. She didn’t own the store, she had no shares in the company (that I know of!) and she got paid by the hour. But Alice doesn’t work there anymore and no one there ‘loves’ me the way she did. I’ve taken my business elsewhere.
Do you ‘love’ your clients enough for them to ‘love’ you back with business and referrals?
Choose to nurture and build upon relationships that you have already created. No amount of cold calling, promotions or advertisements will generate anywhere near the amount of new business your connections will.
A suggestion: make three phone calls TODAY – not texts or emails – and tell those clients that you appreciate their business and that you’re there for them. No sales pitch, just a conversation. Do the same with three more clients tomorrow and the next day. And the next.
It’s not what you know or who you know, it’s who knows you AND what you can do for them.
Now Go Get Connected!

An award-winning Leader, Entrepreneur and Business Development Consultant, Cathy teaches entrepreneurs how to increase their influence; build their business and stay sane while doing it. She helps you to let go of limiting beliefs to “Stand Up, Stand Out & Step Forward” for business success. Named one of the Top Ten Mentors by StartUp Canada, Cathy is recognized across the country for her expertise on “All Things Small Biz”. She is the Founder of the Connected Woman community, author of numerous books and articles, host of the podcast When Women Talk, and is a networking maven. (whew!)
For information on upcoming workshops, business coaching or to engage Cathy as a Keynote speaker at your next event, visit
Copyright Cathy Kuzel 2024
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